All Rights Reserved Leap Day © 2025


During a performance of the “King Eider live band” on Progfarm 2007, it became clear that the interplay between the musicians could easily lead to another band or project and so it did. All the musicians involved wanted to continue. Only guitarist Hans Gerritse (Nice Beaver) who had originally been asked to join the band had to cancel, because the distance between his residence and the location to rehearse was too large. Therefore, Eddie Mulder was asked to join. Now with six musicians again, they started writing music and rehearsing. On the 29th of February 2008 Leap Day was officially born. In 2008 they released their demo cd containing three songs, including Awaking The Muse which is the title of their first full-length studio album released through OSKAR Productions in 2009. Their second album, Skylge’s Lair, was released in February 2011. After a small tour in Poland in 2011 and many gigs in Holland, they started writing and recording their 3rd studio album. In October 2013 they released From The Days Of Deucalion, Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is released in November 2015. In 2016 Leap Day released their first live album called ‘Live At The Northern Prog Festival’. In 2018 Peter Stel left the band and was replaced by Harry Scholing. Peter left after he had finished the 10th Anniversary Celebration Release ‘Timelapse’ which was released on July 15, 2018. Jos Harteveld calles it a day in Januari 2020 and was replaced by Hans Kuypers. Then it was time to record a new album, and in November 2021 ‘Treehouse’ saw the light.

Gert van Engelenburg

As a seven year old boy he started playing the organ. After seven years of classical training he started playing in bands, though none of them were that interesting. Besides keys Gert also played, at that time, some guitar. He's got a degree in Child music. Gert has written lots of child musicals, but has also composed for adult theatre. Besides writing music for Leap Day, he still goes on writing for child musicals. Gert is a teacher in primary education.

Roelof Beeftink

Roelof joined the band in 2025. He is also known for his vocal contributions to the band ‘Intentions’, but during the last 30 years he has sung in several other bands aswell. Roelof likes to listen to many different styles of music. They range from A-ha and Simple Minds to Metallica and Alice in Chains.

Eddie Mulder

Since Eddie was six years old he's been an active guitar player. Though he has surrounded himself with all sorts of music all of his life, it is particularly the symphonic or progressive rock from the 70's that has been, and still is, a main influence for him on both playing and composing.Eddie is involved with the following bands:French Connection, Trion, Two Faces, Pink Faces and of course Leap Day. The gear Eddie's playing with within Leap Day consists of two Galama Stratocasters, Art effects an AT& T amplification.

Derk Evert Waalkens

D.E. started out as a small kid playing drums on cardboard boxes and using mom's pans for cymbals. He also explored the bright sounds of a broken piano. At the age of fifteen he started playing keys in several bands and project. Most memorable where Face to Face, Harrie Rijnbergen and King Eider. Commercially those where no highlights but gave nevertheless lots of fun. Besides playing keys Derk Evert's also busy as a producer. Besides the more traditional instruments and sounds from Hammond, CP70- piano, Mellotron and stringpads he doesn't avoid more experimental sounds.

Koen Roozen

In 1978 he started his first real band with a couple of friends and colleagues: Endless Road (a song of the Dutch band ‘Focus’). In 1984 he moved to the east of Holland. Together with André Cents, Marcel Derix and a female singer they started the rock band “Stiffener”. When he moved to Bakkeveen in 1989, he was looking again for a new band. In 1993 he started the band Flamborough Head. Koen was the one who initialized Leap Day, which took him eventually more than two years. Former band members: Peter Stel (2008-2018) Jos Harteveld (2008-2020) Hans Kuypers (2021-2024)

Harry Scholing

He started back in 1975 as a guitar player. Five years later he became the bass player of the band Vanilla In that band he worked for a few years with Eddie. In those years he listened a lot to bands like Alquin, Solution, Yes, King Crimson, Weather Report, UK and so on. After Vanilla he continued to make music in two other bands together with Eddie. After this, their roads would split for 35 years.He ended up in the music scene of Zwolle and played in bands like Genuine Leather and the Dupe. After that he played in Leon And The Lions and until 2020 in Van Lunteren. All cover bands with a soul, blues and rock repertoire.And now after all these years he can express his love for symphonic/prog rock in Leap Day. An opportunity that came to him as a very welcome surprise.
All rights reserved Leap Day © 2021


During a performance of the “King Eider live band” on Progfarm 2007, it became clear that the interplay between the musicians could easily lead to another band or project and so it did. All the musicians involved wanted to continue. Only guitarist Hans Gerritse (Nice Beaver) who had originally been asked to join the band had to cancel, because the distance between his residence and the location to rehearse was too large. Therefore, Eddie Mulder was asked to join. Now with six musicians again, they started writing music and rehearsing. On the 29th of February 2008 Leap Day was officially born. In 2008 they released their demo cd containing three songs, including Awaking The Muse which is the title of their first full-length studio album released through OSKAR Productions in 2009. Their second album, Skylge’s Lair, was released in February 2011. After a small tour in Poland in 2011 and many gigs in Holland, they started writing and recording their 3rd studio album. In October 2013 they released From The Days Of Deucalion, Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is released in November 2015. In 2016 Leap Day released their first live album called ‘Live At The Northern Prog Festival’. In 2018 Peter Stel left the band and was replaced by Harry Scholing. Peter left after he had finished the 10th Anniversary Celebration Release ‘Timelapse’ which was released on July 15, 2018. Jos Harteveld calles it a day in Januari 2020 and was replaced by Hans Kuypers. Then it was time to record a new album, and in November 2021 ‘Treehouse’ saw the light.
Leap Day is: Roelof Beeftink - Vocals Gert van Engelenburg - Keyboards, backing vocals Eddie Mulder - Guitars, backing vocals Koen Roozen - Drums Harry Scholing - Bass guitars Derk Evert Waalkens - Keyboards, Backing vocals